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A Year of Mark Making

For Christmas my Grandma put a sketch book in my stocking with a challenge of creating a 'mark a day'. The rules are simple:

-Black and White mediums only

-No letters, numbers or drawings. Marks/patterns only.

-Don't forget a day.

Needless to say, I loved the idea however, I thought it would be ambitious to remember to do this everyday and to produce something good every day. I quickly learnt that the one medium provided with the sketch book (a black ending fine liner pen) would be limiting and other mediums would have to be used. I also considered 365 marks, even if it is spread across 365 days, is a lot of marks. I did a module of mark making in my first year of University and really enjoyed it. In terms of idea originality, I feel like it would be easier to do a 365 days of plant studies. However, the beauty of the mark making is that they can be detailed and time consuming or fast and slap dash. I have photographed some of my efforts, in no particular order...

I am now 7 weeks into this year long project. On some days I could not be less impressed by what I have produced; to me the marks are basic and uninspired. However on other days I like elements of what I have created and see how I could build on the idea and turn it into a proper design. Sometimes I feel like there are only so many options with dots, dashes, circles, line and form and then I remember the possibilities are endless.

There is an element of spontaneity vs planned marks. Some days I have an idea in my mind for the day. Other times, I put my pen on the paper and the marks seem to form themselves. I am finding acrylic paint and my brush pen the the most versatile mediums so far. I am starting to experiment with uneven sticks that catch the paint and give a nice textured scratchy effect and bubble wrap was good to print with, and I am also trying bristle brushes. I also want to get out my black ink and bleach for a resist effect. I liked using masking tape as a pen block to create negative space. I am also learning about how the marks form across the page; not just left to right.

Another thing is inspiration. The internet would definitely be able to provide me with more than 365 days work of ideas for mark making patterns...but they aren't my ideas. I don't want to look too hard at what others have done because I don't want to copy either subconsciously or unsubconsciously.

However, I will take inspiration from everyday objects, art and designs and consider how I can translate this into Marks. Just not other people's Mark Making designs.

If I can achieve 60 out 365 patterns I am proud of I will be delighted!

Every page is documented on my instagram page

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