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Sky 365

Over the last couple of months I have been working on a little project that I named Sky 365. It is simple really, I take a photo a photo of the sky everyday and create some kind of montage to show the variations. Because with the sky there are so many different colours and details. I talked briefly about the term 'sky blue' in a previous post and how there isn't a 'sky blue'. The below images is the differences in the sky over the last few weeks. Sometimes it looks bright blue, other times blue grey, whitey grey, yellowy grey, stormy warm grey to name but a few,

I think it is hard to take a photo of the sunset or sun rise that does it justice with out making it look cheesy or fake. You may see sunsets featured on those vile canvas' available from high street home wares retailers of impersonal sunsets taken in an unknown destination by an unknown artist/photographer then photoshopped into oblivation. Yet when you see a sun rise or sunset with your own eyes it looks anything but. I am not aiming for that but I do want to try and create something fun and a bit different with all of my sky photos, not the choppy quick compositions displayed above and below.

A friend says it is a little like in Harry Potter books where the ceiling in the great hall represents the sky and the weather outside...

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